Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Adopt A Platoon Update

I just received an email from SFC Williams of the S1 Shop Platoon.
He has given me some updates on what is happening with the guys at this time.
The guys have recently moved and things have been really busy for them.
They are all not together at this time,
so he has received the package but is waiting for the rest of his men to open it.
What a nice guy!

SGT Figueroa is back from leave a married man!

Congrats to you SGT Figueroa!

May you have a happy and fulfilling marriage!

PFC Chavez is now on leave with his new baby girl!

God Bless your bundle of joy!
Children are a gift from God enjoy every minute!
PFC Wang will be leaving to go see his wife in China in a couple of days.
Travel safely and enjoy the well deserved family time.

As for the rest of the guys they are working hard and trying to keep there heads up. They don't have access to the computer right now but hopefully will soon.
God Bless the men and women who are serving in the United States Military! Thank you!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Proverbial Women's Country Cottage

Proverbial Women's Country Cottage!
23953 Rt. 12S, Gifford St. Rd.
Watertown, NY 13601
Come take a look inside!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Best Commercial Ever

If you haven't already seen this video check it out! It speaks volumes.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year "2008"

Happy New Year to you and your families. I pray the Lord will bless all His children in the months to come.

The new year always brings with it the chance for a fresh start and a way to begin anew. I got thinking about that and realized because of Jesus Christ all people can have a fresh start everyday of their lives. What a great feeling to wake up every morning and realize the new day has brought with it the opportunity to do something great. Our pastor at church challenged us all on Sunday to go the extra mile and set goals for our spiritual lives, kind of like a business plan for our walks with the Lord for 2008. What a great idea! Of course we don't have to start with a blank page we have the Bible God's living Word as a blueprint for our daily lives. Thank you Lord for giving us Your Word to guide us on our earthly journey.

God bless you all this year. Let's make everyday count, for the Lord gives us many opportunities to make a difference. Let's make Him proud as our heavenly Father should be of all His children.